Today is my 16th birthday.
The Lord has blessed me with SO much in sixteen years. So, to give you an idea of the glorious blessings I've received, I'll name 16 things He has given me over my 16 years:
1 A faith that keeps growing
2 A Father who loves me, who teaches me the Lord's word through his examples, and who serves our King.
3 A Mother who loves me, who leads me in the paths of womanhood, and who serves our King
4 3 BEAUTIFUL sisters who help me to learn, grow, enjoy, and cherish this life.
5 A home, a place where laughter lives, where sorrows are shared, where memories are made...
6 An opportunity to learn, and be taught by my Lord and parents without fear
7 Music that lifts the spirit, calms the fears, and teaches me perseverance
8 The beauty of life, and the sorrow of death, the endless peace we have in knowing God
9 Two sisters who live many miles away, Shleida and Shelove
10 A wonderful puppy, Ellie :)
11 Daffodils in spring, snow in winter, a fire-red autumn, and a warm, peaceful summer
12 Good health, and mercy when times did get rough
13 A love for home, family, children, cooking, sewing, and cleaning (sometimes) :)
14 His holy word, a guide and answer to all questions
15 The joy of knowing I'm part of His coming Kingdom
16 The Sixteen years I've had to learn, grow, fall, continue, achieve, aspire, remember, and love, in this world.
" God gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." 1 Corinthians 15:57

This is the purity ring I got from Daddy and Momma. Momma birth stone in on the left, Daddy's is on the right, and mine is in the middle.