" My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast!
I will sing and make a melody!"

Monday, February 22, 2010

"Earnest Prayer"

This prayer below was a circulatory letter written by George Washington to the Governors of all the States:

" I now make it my earnest prayer that God would have you, and the State over which you preside, in His holy protection; that He would incline the hearts of the citizens to cultivate a spirit of subordination and obedience to government, to entertain a brotherly affection and love for one another, for their fellow-citizens of the United States at large, and particularly for brethren who have served in the field; and finally that He would most graciously be pleased to dispose us all to do justice, to love mercy, and to demean ourselves with that charity, humility, and pacific temper of mind, which were the characteristics of the Divine Author of our blessed religion, and without an humble imitation of whose example in these things, we can never hope to be a happy nation."

God Bless,

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Compassion Sunday is Coming!

On April 18, I will be giving a presentation at our church on Compassion Sunday! http://www.compassionsunday.com/ This is definitely going to be a new experience! I've sang at church, I've done Bible Drills at church, I even play the piano at church, but I've never given a power point presentation, or prepared to talk about something this important before!

But honestly, I can't wait!
Compassion Sunday is about showing your church the many, many faces of poverty.
It's about giving hope to those without anything, including Jesus. It makes people aware of the devastation of body, soul, and life in places like: Haiti, India, The Philippines, Africa... and so many others. This program also brings the saving knowledge of Jesus, and the hope of salvation, along with healthy food, clean water, money for clothes, and a new home, even a birthday present. Compassion does it, one child at a time. Sponsoring means SO much to a child and their family.
Is there some way you can help? www.compassion.com

May God Bless,

Friday, February 12, 2010

Happy Birthday Abe Lincoln!

" All my life I have tried to pluck a thistle and plant a flower wherever the flower would grow in thought and mind." -Abe Lincoln

I would HIGHLY recommend you read Jasmine's post on Abraham Lincoln at:


Scroll down to the post called, "The Great Emancipator"


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Thursday, February 4, 2010

A Giveway!

Miss Jenna over at, http://www.femininefarmgirl.blogspot.com/ is hosting a skirt pattern giveaway. Please drop over there and let her know if you would like to enter.

The pattern comes from http://www.mariemadelinestudio.com It's called,
"Route 66 Skirt Pattern"

Ava's B-day post is in the works. I'll have it up soon! :)


Monday, February 1, 2010

I'm Back!

Here are my excuses for not posting anything for 2 weeks:

#1- For the past 4 days, our Internet was down.
#2- It's been snowing, and snowing, and who wants to sit in front of a computer when you can be out enjoying the cold, wet, cold, white, cold snow.:) (Yep, I'm cold.)
#3- I haven't had anything to really write about except the unusual snow we've been having. My Daddy said that he doesn't remember a snow like this one since he was little! I've never seen more than three inches of snow in my life, and here I am, outside standing in about 6 inches! (For those of you who live up north, and have experience with a LOT of snow, this is BIG news here in the south.:)

Anyway, I'll post some 'snowy' pictures when I can get Momma's camera and upload them. Yeah, I didn't take any of the 4 snow men we built in Grandpa and Grandma's backyard, or the wild snow ball fights that broke out amongst us kids, and even the adults. Or, better yet, Grace and I wiping out in the sled that was being pulled behind the 4 wheeler! (Peaked your interest yet?)

On a different note, my little sister, Ava, is turning BIG #3 this Thursday!
It's SO hard to believe it's been three whole years since we first saw her!
I'll put up a B-day post for her on Thursday.

So, we've pretty much been stuck in the house for 4 days. We couldn't even go to church on Sunday because the roads where so icy and slick. So we had church at home!
We read about Paul's conversion, and had prayer, then we sang,
"When da roll a call a londer" (that's how Ava says, "When the Roll is Called up Yonder.")

Well, I guess that's all for now!

I leave now to do laundry...