I'm sixteen and I have never had a summer job, well if you consider canning, babysitting sisters, training puppies, pulling weeds, mowing the lawn, doing laundry,ect... a job, then, yes I have had a summer job. :)
But not like the one I'm about to do this evening.
I'm going to give piano lessons to a little 5 year old girl that goes to our church!!
It's exciting, and I think it will be a learning experience on both our parts. :)
I'll learn to teach, and she'll, hopefully, learn piano. 5:00 pm is THE time.
Have any of you ever given music lessons before? I'd love to hear your experiences!
Another update: We picked blueberries for 2 1/2 hours this morning, at a place we've been going to for blueberries for about 4-5 years. We flash freeze 'em and then bag 'em to put in the freezer. I forgot my camera, so there's no photographic evidence. :) But I'll be sure and post our, To Die For Blueberry Muffin recipe soon.
That's all for now,
" I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." Philippians 4:13

1 comment:
Congrats!! :-) Sounds like a lot of fun. :) I've never really taught music lessons..maybe someday in the future if I ever got good enough. ;)
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