Yep. It's still snowing. It's been snowing for three days! We usually have one good snow that falls over-night, then it goes away the next day. This time, it's just been keeping a steady sprinkle for three days. It hasn't built up a whole lot though. Right now, it's about 1/3 of an inch in certain places:) Even though it's pretty, and pleasant to watch, I long for the warm, sunny, green, sweet-smelling days of spring to arrive. But, I will try and post a video of the snow falling, here later. (My camera batteries died:))
I've recently got finished reading a great book by Emma Leslie called, Glaucia the Greek Slave. It's set in the time of Nero, when Christians where being persecuted in great numbers and in horrific ways. This girl, and her brother, Laon, are separated when they are sold, and they both, under different circumstances, become Christians.
It would be a great read-aloud book for younger siblings, or, it's a great book for teenagers too.
It's been the same here.. :)
There are plenty of Flurries, but no 'real snow'.
Have a blessed day!
Its hot in Australia. I have been reading Laura Ingalls Wilders little house books again. She talks of a 7 months of snow and blizzars..Gosh it must have been hard for them. Blessings to you.
Thank you for your comment on my blog Kathrann. I can certainly see that we have the Lord Jesus in common and I love that so much. Funny about the names of our blogs. Great minds must think alike.
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