The waters saw you; they trembled. Even the depths shook. The clouds poured down water, the storm clouds thundered;

Your arrows flashed back and forth. The sound of Your thunder was in the whirlwind; lightning lit up the world...

your path went through great waters, but your footprints where unseen.

You led your people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron..."
~ Psalm 77:16-20
These pictures hardly show the extent of the damage in Jackson and Nashville.
I'm sure most of you have heard about the flooding in Tennessee. I live very close to a lot of the area that was hit the hardest. I have family members who live in these areas also. Please keep the victims of this flood in your prayers, as well as the ones who lost loved ones in the tornadoes that hit here in west Tennessee.

1 comment:
We didn't get it too bad here in Memphis..wow, y'all really did get hit hard! :( Praying for all of y'all.
In Christ,
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