I still haven't been able to load up the pics from Savannah, but I hope to work on it soon. In the mean time, here are a few from this summer:

We dubbed this one, "The Atomic Cloud"

Ellie ADORES her volley ball...

Hey Launcelot! Don't fall on my head please!!

Shuckin' the corn...and for those of you who might think, "Ewwwww! You ate corn your dog chewed on?" No, we threw her piece out. The corn was so infested with worms, that we ended throwing out a large part of it. What a shame...

" I will cause the shower to come down; there shall be showers of blessing."
Ezekiel 34:26
Oh, before I forget. Two nights ago, we were getting ready for bed, when all of the sudden, I start to hear music. Real soft, tinkling like music. Almost like a snow-globe. I walked all over the house. Everyone was in bed, but I heard that music, it so quiet, I couldn't make out a distinct tune, but I knew I heard it. I checked our radio. Nothing. I checked the computer. Nothing. I even checked my fiddle, (a while back, the strings on the fiddle where popping and plinking. Making tuneless music. I woke up in the middle of the night scared to death. Turns out, they where just de-tuning because it was hot in the house.) Nothing. It was starting to drive me CRAZY! All I could hear was that music, and I didn't know where it was coming from. So I wake Daddy up and he starts looking for it. Grace gets up and starts looking. Then, we stop in the hall way, listening. Right above our heads is the attic trap-door. At the same time, Daddy and I both point up. It was coming from the attic! So I helter-skelter up the ladder and find a Christmas tree ornament the plays, "It Came Upon a Midnight Clear" The batteries where messed up, and it wouldn't stop it's tune. Daddy put the batteries in backwards, and we went to sleep.
I'm glad we found where it was coming from. (And that I wasn't going crazy!)
Blessings in Him,

Totally with you about this heat, sister! Ugh! It's awful! We're praying for 80's too..
That was quite an amusing story! haha :D I liked the pictures too! :) Your dog is very cute! I've always liked Border Collies.
Got to run, TTYL!
Hey Kathrann! Thanks for the comment on my blog! I really like your blog,and music on your blog!
Have a good day!
In Christ,
P.S. Please tell your sister that I will write her soon. :) We have been a bit busy around here.
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