-My King, His Word, and Salvation
- My Family
- My Home
- My Music
I'm thankful for my King, His word, and salvation because it is such a comforting gift, one that keeps on giving through this life. He himself, is our ultimate protector, provider, judge, Father, life-giver, and so much more. How can I help but want to honor, serve, and trust in Him? I'm thankful for His word, which continually supplies me with the glorious expectancy that one day I'll be with Him eternally! His splendid providence and sacrifice of His one son has given me eternal life. Salvation is such a tremendous gift, one that can NEVER be taken away.
I've been magnificently blessed with a godly, caring, loving, witty, dutiful provider, whom I call, my Daddy/ I know that all young girls who have a good, deific relationship with their Fathers' are prejudice, in the fact that their Daddies' "are the best in whole, wide world!" He has been such a strong and endearing person in my life, and has taught me many things that I think I would have overlooked, had he not taken the time to show me. May God bless him!
As a young daughter, who has been raised under her Mother's tutelage since a little girl, I know that there is NO other place in the world I' rather spend my single years, than right beside Momma. She is such a beautiful example of Proverbs 31 woman, that, I sometimes wonder if I shall ever be as good a wife, mother, mentor, teacher, friend, sister, and daughter of Christ as she is. Momma has helped me learn MANY...MANY, things to prepare me to be a good help-meet, and mother one day,...perhaps. No one on earth could ever replace my Momma. (I'm not a bit prejudice {smile})
Little sisters are such a blessing to and older sister. They're always there when you need to work on patience, self-control, love, peace, gentleness... =)
I honestly don't know what I would do without my beautiful bunch of sisters! Being an older sister, I've been able to experience the joy of knowing that, through all the morning sickness, temporary discomforts, and frazzles, a beautiful, sweet, God-given, life was on the way! (3 times to be exact!) Their wittiness, helpfulness, love, and companionship has been, and always will be a heavenly blessing!
I'm SO thankful for such a beautiful house. But more importantly, a beautiful home. The great big field outside the dinning room windows, the woods on all sides of the house to explore, the numerous wig-wams, tepees, attempts at log cabins we've made. Fort Pine, Elmoor, Buttercup hill, the pond, and 'Hubert', will always be a lovely memory of the white house on Point Mason. The freedom we have to roam and run, chase and play is so much fun! Playing cowgirls and indians, knights and ladies, narnia and Scottish heroes, I'll forever remember. God bless our home!
Thanks Daddy and Momma!
Bluegrass music has been one of my biggest interests, (besides horses), since I was about ten or eleven. I love singing and pickin' with my great aunt Mildred, Grandpa, Grandma, and Grace, on Sunday nights. Those old gospel songs, and hymns will forever be in my memory. Going to the dough-nut shop and jammin' with some of the people from around town, pickin' on the guitar on summer afternoons. Frailin' the banjo on my bed when it's cold outside. Yes, even sitting out in the 80-90 degree heat on summer days at a bluegrass festival. These are some of the wonderful things I love about playin' bluegrass. Playing the piano has also been a hobby of mine since Momma taught me when I was seven or eight years old. Playing at church and doing duets with Momma is also something I'm thankful for.
All in all, I've been blessed with wonderful things in my fifteen years, and I praise the Lord for His unending love, for me and my family.
" May God be gracious to us and bless us and make His face shine upon us!."
Psalm 67:1

I am overwhelmed by your insight and wisdom, what a blessing you are to your parents. God is mighty and I praise Hid Holt name as I read your writings...Crystal
Hey There Kathrann
I cmae across your blog !! it is really neat me and my sister have a blog check it out!
You sound like a very talented girl i would love to get to know you Much Love,Hannah
I'm so thankful for music too :)
Life without it just wouldn't be as fun :D
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