" My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast!
I will sing and make a melody!"

Sunday, January 3, 2010


One of my followers asked for some pictures of snow,

This is all we got. We barely get one good snow(3-4 inches), in a year. Oh well:)



Anonymous said...

That's about as much as we get too. :( Oh well. At least we don't have to battle blizzards, Haha! :)

Mrs. E said...

Awww~ what a nice little patch of snow!
As always it is a joy to visit you!!!

Love & Blessings~ Jen

Hannah said...

Well, it at least you get some snow! I think all snow, alot or a little is beautiful!
I live way up north and right now we have lots of snow... God's creation is so awesome!

Hannah said...

Oh, I meant to tell you, I like your new header alot!

~Kathrann~ said...

Thanks Hannah!
That's a picture of my gorgeous gee-tar.:) I've noticed that on your blog, you've been swamped with snow! I, myself would rather spring come in January. I really enjoy cold weather. But, like you said, God's creation is beautiful, and I don't think I'd rather have it any other way.

May God bless,

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