I knew I started this blog around August or September, but I didn't know when. On my profile it says that I've been a member of Blogger since August, 2009. Oh well.
I do have a good excuse, or should I say, excuses?
Excuse #1: I've had a cold all week
Excuse #2 : We went 30-mile yard sailin' this weekend (Fri.-Sat.) (I'll explain that later)
Excuse #3: Yesterday was Labor Day and our Band practice/lesson which was 2 hours away
Excuse #4: Well,...I'm out of excuses. :)
So, Happy Anniversary HKMS!
I do believe I'll celebrate with a tag...
The rules are as follows:
Answer the questions, tag 3 people (or more if you wish).
#1 As far as books go, do you like historical-fiction, or fantasy best?
#2 What's your favorite color?
#3 What color is your tooth-brush?
#4 Do you like the country, or do you like the city?
#5 Do you like Summer, or Winter?
#6 Who do you think is the best character in, "The Chronicles of Narnia" series?
#7 Do you think these questions are random, or do you think they have a point?
#8 Do you have a phobia of any sorts? (you don't have to tell what it is)
#9 Do you like the library, or would you rather be shopping?
#10 Do you have a friend who's first name starts with either, E, F, J, O, Q, U, W, X, Y, Z?
I tag: Sarah Grace @ http://www.alwayslive4him.blogspot.com
Miriam @ www.girlsoffaith123.blogspot.com
Emily @ http://www.emilyscancerblog.blogspot.com

Thanks for tagging me, Kathrann! :) I'll try to do that today..
Thanks for tagging me!!!
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