Have any of you ever read this book? If so, drop me a comment and tell me how you liked it!
I recently read a wonderful book written by Eric and Leslie Ludy entitled,
“ When God Writes Your Love Story”. It usually takes me several days to complete a book, but I found this one so intriguing that I finished it in two sittings. One of my school assignments was to write a short review of this particular book.
The Ludys do an excellent job of encouraging and giving biblical guidance to single young men and women who are struggling with the questions of marriage, courtship, dating, and
guy/girl relationships. Their real life examples and reflective illustrations give a sort of yearning for a , “ Sweeter Song.” The book is written as a guide to single individuals who are wondering about their futures in regards to marriage.
I often wonder, “ Has God called me to single-hood? Will I have a family someday?” Statistics show that a majority of people do get married, but what about those few who do not? Do I really want to be in that minority? I found this book to be a considerable source of motivation to pursue, at all costs, physical, as well as spiritual and mental purity. I was even more encouraged to know that I'm not the only one out there who struggles with these issues. Just because I have chosen not to go the modern dating route, does not make these issues obsolete. It is true that you deal with them less, but you are not immune to the desires that seem to show up when you least want them. I constantly must remind myself of the verse in 2 Timothy, “ Flee from youthful passions, and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart.”
[emphasis mine]
Another aspect of this book that I found thoughtful was that they encompassed those who may have strayed from God's will regarding purity. They explain that you can still find comfort in knowing that you are not alone, and that you can receive a second chance to wait on God's perfect timing.
I believe this is a must read for any young person who is truly seeking the will of God when it comes to guy/girl relationships.

Hey Kathrann! Looks like a good book!!! I have never read it,but I just might have to. Have a great day!
Looks like a great book! :) I've been hearing a lot about it lately. I'll have to look into getting a copy! :)
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