I've read this book about four times since I got it last year for Christmas.
It's a beautiful story of waiting on the Lord for your future spouse, that is, if that's what He has planned for you. Janet McLean is a young woman who struggles with singleness. Her older sister and brother where married by her age, but why isn't she married yet? There aren't even any possible suitors in her life! Trusting God, and her parents on this issue is tough. What should she do with the desires she has for a husband and children? Should she hold them in? Or should she share them with her parents? What about praying for a husband?
This is a great book about trusting and obeying the Lord through one of the most trying times in a young woman's life.
If any of you have ever read it, comment and give me your take on it. =)
" Dear Lord," she whispered, " I'm not trusting. Help me, Father! This is so hard!" Opening her eyes, she gazed at the cold, bare branches against he gray sky.
- "Journey of the Heart" Jeannie M. Castleberry

Be encouraged Kathrann, My grand daughter Kirra turned 21 yesterday. Kirra has been active in Christian work most of her life and only went out with boys in a church group..
She told my daughter, her mother that she hoped to find the right man before she turned 21yrs. Well, she did. He is the son of her church Pastor and had been observing her for a long time. He has asked her to marry him and she has replied..."When the Lord says its time to get engaged I'll accept your ring." His name is Benj and he is 2 years older than she is. His father is Chinese and mother a New Zealander. Not someone we would have expected but a man with a beautiful heart for the Lord... Love Crystal
Thank you miss Crystal!
That was an encouraging story. =)
The Lord is good.
Beautiful~ sounds like a wonderful,
rich, inspiring read!!
Thank you for sharing~ dear. ;)
Many Blessings~ Miss Jen
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