for my two year old little sister, Ava Blessing. Momma has had a head cold for the past several days, and Ava has caught it now. She's not feeling well, and her temp. is high. Everyone knows how aggravating it is to have a runny nose, sore throat, and a cough. =) Especially for a little one.

Thank you.
Hello Kathrann! I just found your blog through "The Cowgirls". I think we have a LOT in common!! I just LOVE bluegrass and I play: Guitar, Mandolin, Harmonica, and a bit 'o Banjo & Fiddle. (Not so great at the last two yet! haha) And I've always wanted to play a mountain dulcimer.. :) I'm kind of a try-it-all kind of person, haha. :) I really love it though. :) And I also like: Old fashioned stuff, livin' in the South, archery(though I'm not great at it! haha!) Hunting, Fishing, being outdoors, and lots more!(I just tried to list the things that you mentioend that you liked as well--that's by no means all that I enjoy! Haha!) :) (Oh and I also enjoy History!) I would love to have a farm someday..that's always been a dream of mine since I was very young. :) I live in Tennessee and like it pretty well, except that I live in the city right now, hehe. :) I'm prayin' on that!
I'm 14 going on 15. :) But I'd better stop because I'm sorta writin' a novel here! Haha. :) Check out my blog sometime, I think we would get along well! :) Oh and I forgot to mention the most important thing! LOL. I love Jesus Christ with all my heart! And also desire to serve him in my single years. (& Become a future homemaker) Hope to hear from you soon!
In Christ,
Will be praying for your little sister! Is she feeling any better?
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