" My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast!
I will sing and make a melody!"

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

On the Mend...

Well, I think our house has pretty much recovered from the sniffle out-break. :)
I'm going to do a LOT of baking today, let's see, here's my list,

2 muffin pans of Cranberry-Orange bread
2 muffin pans of Blueberry Buckle
2 Muffin pans of Bannana-Sourcream Bread
Maybe some more Turkish Delight :)
Divinity (is that how you spell it?)

Anyway, we're going to be VERY busy. But, it's a fun kind of busy.
Christmas baking is always a treat, especially when you have neighbors, mail ladies, and friends to bake for! I'll try to post pictures and recipes later.
Oh, and if any of you haven't checked out the 'Praying for Abby' button on my sidebar, please go to their blog. This little girl has been through SO much, and is in need of your prayers as soon as possible.
Painting: 'Christmas Moonlight' Thomas Kinkade

For King and Kingdom,


Anonymous said...

Glad you're doing better!
Christmas baking is always fun! We did ours yesterday and last week. :) Yummm.. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Kathrann,
I have a question for you! Do you read tabs or sheet music? Or do you just completely play by ear? :) Talk to you soon!
In Christ,

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

Thomas Kinkade is wonderful...

~Kathrann~ said...

In answer to your question, Sarah Grace, I read music, tabs, and play by ear. I prefer tabs or by ear, I learned piano when I was 7, and I've played by ear since then also. I've read tabs and chords for about 3 years now.


~Kathrann~ said...
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Anonymous said...

Oh okay, Kathrann. Thanks for answering my question! I mostly read tabs & play by ear too. (So much simpler! haha) Although I can read heet music too; I just don't prefer it. I have another question for you--if you don't mind! What are your 5 favorite songs to play? (Bluegrass, hymns, Gospel, etc) Talk to you soon!
In Christ,