" My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast!
I will sing and make a melody!"

Monday, December 13, 2010

Pictures, Birthdays, Snow, Narnia, Oh my!

Well, my poor blog has suffered dreadfully the past month and a half!
I figured I would give ya'll some pictures, and announce some birthdays!

Happy birthday Katie! I know I'm late, but I had SO much fun Friday night at the movies!

Happy birthday Momma! You're the VERY best! Sorry I burned your pie...:)

We saw Narnia, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader Friday night! It was wonderful, they did take some liberties in places, and they left out a few great scenes in the book, but I think, all around, it was a hit. I LOVE how they left the line Aslan says to Lucy: "In your world, I have another name. You must come to know me by that name..."

We are heading out to the Creation Museum this weekend, and we're taking a friend this year! If you haven't seen or heard of the Creation Museum, please type it in on Google. (sorry I can't give you the link, the button isn't working)

Isn't she gorgeous?!? She'll be a year old in January!

This is my favorite funny picture of her, and her de-flated volley ball...:)

Cool Cloud.

I love persimmons!

Get this, Sunday morning we woke up to this...

and Monday morning, this was here...what is it? (for those non-Tennesseeans, this stuff is RARE.)

Home-made bird baths...a little chilly now.

More of that white stuff.

Have a blessed week!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Yep, I'm still Here...

Not much to report on the home-front, but when I have time, I'll update you all on the few stories and little bits of news we have floating around here. :)


Thursday, October 28, 2010


Housewife Day

When : Always November 3rd

Housewife Day recognizes the importance of stay at home wives and moms. Also referred to as "Retro" Housewife Day. These wonderful, caring creatures, build and enrich strong family environments. They help to instill family values and good character.

Housewife is an old term. It hails back to the days when one income could support the family in a manner of comfort. It was also a time when women did not have equal rights. While these days are long gone, women views of working or staying at home, fall on both sides of the fence. The decision to be a "housewife", or stay at home mom, is still preferred by many. Unfortunately, income needs often necessitate going to work.

Today, we celebrate and thank all of the ladies who choose to stay home and tend to the house and family!

How will I celebrate this special day? I will celebrate this day, by honoring my beloved wife, and thanking her for staying home for the family during the child rearing years. Without a doubt, our children grew up much better for it. And, I benefitted by the many sacrifices she made by staying home.

Flower of the Day: Lavender

Recipe of the Day: Pumpkin Roll
House Wife Day?

Origin of Housewife Day:
We did not find the originator of this special day. Nor, did we find any factual information.

We suspect this day was created by a housewife. By their very nature, housewives tend to stay out of the spotlight. If a housewife indeed created this day, it would be typical of her not to take credit. The other likely creator, is a husband. In this event, he simply wants to tell the world how lucky he is to have her.

I welcome comments... :)

source: www.holidayinsights.com

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A Significant Reminder

My Grandfather preached a sermon, about two years ago. In it, he talked about an experience he had when he was younger. As he was walking among gravestones in a cemetery, a particular one caught his eye. On it was written:

"When you read this as you pass by,
As you are now, so once was I,
As I am now, soon you'll be,
So prepare in time to follow me."

Just a reminder of how short this life is, is there someone you know who isn't saved? Will you tell them how they can escape eternal wrath?


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The American Legacy Challenge

Did any of you know that September is National Constitution Month?

I believe that every American should:

#1 Memorize the first 10 amendments to the Constitution,
#2 Memorize the Preamble to the Constitution
#3 Read the Constitution at least once through
#4 Read “The Light and the Glory” by David Manuel and Peter Marshall
#5 Watch “The American Heritage Series” by David Barton

www.wallbuilders.com <>

So, in honor of this day, I propose a challenge. Do these 3 things,

*Memorize the first 10 amendments to the Constitution

*Memorize the Preamble to the Constitution
*Read the Constitution through once

By December 31, 2010.

Who's with me? Are their any His-Story buffs out there who want to take up the challenge? Leave me a comment with your name and blog address (It will NOT be published) and I'll follow your blog and put it on a list that I'll post occasionally of people who are taking up the challenge. I'll also put up the document I'll be working on so that you can do it too, or you can choose a different subject to work on. You don't have to do them in any particular order.

It is important that we as American citizens know why and how, our nation is free. If we know the facts, we can keep our nation, “One nation, under GOD...”

“ Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.”
~ 2 Corinthians 3:17

Soli Deo Gloria!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Happy Birthday!

My sister, Abbey Grace, is turning the big 1-3!

I can't believe how much you've grown!

Age: 6

Age 3-4

Such a little Munchkin!!

Age 3-4

Age 12

Is that a good slushy?

Age 6

Age 13

A Animated : Your always on the go, you have such a love for the outdoors. :

B Beautiful : You are gorgeous. Your dark hair and blue eyes remind me so much of Momma. But remember, true beauty is on the inside.

B Beloved : by any animal. You remind me of Ellie May Clampett!

E Endlessly imaginative : You come up with the some of the most creative and crazy things.(e.g. Billy Bobs, Crazy Cats, Gryphagons)

Y Youthful : " For it was You who created my inward part; You knit me together in my mother's womb." Psalm 139:13

Love you Gracie!


Ahem. I uh...missed my blog anniversary. :(

I knew I started this blog around August or September, but I didn't know when. On my profile it says that I've been a member of Blogger since August, 2009. Oh well.

I do have a good excuse, or should I say, excuses?

Excuse #1: I've had a cold all week

Excuse #2 : We went 30-mile yard sailin' this weekend (Fri.-Sat.) (I'll explain that later)

Excuse #3: Yesterday was Labor Day and our Band practice/lesson which was 2 hours away

Excuse #4: Well,...I'm out of excuses. :)

So, Happy Anniversary HKMS!

I do believe I'll celebrate with a tag...

The rules are as follows:
Answer the questions, tag 3 people (or more if you wish).

#1 As far as books go, do you like historical-fiction, or fantasy best?

#2 What's your favorite color?

#3 What color is your tooth-brush?

#4 Do you like the country, or do you like the city?

#5 Do you like Summer, or Winter?

#6 Who do you think is the best character in, "The Chronicles of Narnia" series?

#7 Do you think these questions are random, or do you think they have a point?

#8 Do you have a phobia of any sorts? (you don't have to tell what it is)

#9 Do you like the library, or would you rather be shopping?

#10 Do you have a friend who's first name starts with either, E, F, J, O, Q, U, W, X, Y, Z?

I tag: Sarah Grace @ http://www.alwayslive4him.blogspot.com
Miriam @ www.girlsoffaith123.blogspot.com
Emily @ http://www.emilyscancerblog.blogspot.com


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

[Edited] Book Review!

Have any of you ever read this book? If so, drop me a comment and tell me how you liked it!

I recently read a wonderful book written by Eric and Leslie Ludy entitled,
“ When God Writes Your Love Story”. It usually takes me several days to complete a book, but I found this one so intriguing that I finished it in two sittings. One of my school assignments was to write a short review of this particular book.
The Ludys do an excellent job of encouraging and giving biblical guidance to single young men and women who are struggling with the questions of marriage, courtship, dating, and
guy/girl relationships. Their real life examples and reflective illustrations give a sort of yearning for a , “ Sweeter Song.” The book is written as a guide to single individuals who are wondering about their futures in regards to marriage.
I often wonder, “ Has God called me to single-hood? Will I have a family someday?” Statistics show that a majority of people do get married, but what about those few who do not? Do I really want to be in that minority? I found this book to be a considerable source of motivation to pursue, at all costs, physical, as well as spiritual and mental purity. I was even more encouraged to know that I'm not the only one out there who struggles with these issues. Just because I have chosen not to go the modern dating route, does not make these issues obsolete. It is true that you deal with them less, but you are not immune to the desires that seem to show up when you least want them. I constantly must remind myself of the verse in 2 Timothy, “ Flee from youthful passions, and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart.”
[emphasis mine]
Another aspect of this book that I found thoughtful was that they encompassed those who may have strayed from God's will regarding purity. They explain that you can still find comfort in knowing that you are not alone, and that you can receive a second chance to wait on God's perfect timing.
I believe this is a must read for any young person who is truly seeking the will of God when it comes to guy/girl relationships.


Sunday, August 22, 2010

A Tag...

The rules of this tag are as follow: I must answer the questions given to me below by the tagger, and then I must tag more people and ask them ten questions for them to fill out.
I'm going to do the tag like Sarah did. I don't know of anymore questions to add either, so I'll just answer the previous round of questions along with the new ones.
I take it that's okay?!


1. In what location do you feel God's Presence the greatest?
Outside right before a summer sunset behind our field. It's breath-taking...

2. What is your favorite craft? (i.e. knitting, scrapbooking, drawing, etc.)
Knitting, crocheting, and cooking. (I can't draw a stick person...)

3. How many brothers and/or sisters do you have?
3 sisters

4. Do you have an iPod?
Yes, I got it for Christmas 2 years ago. When I opened it, I didn't know what on earth it was. :)

5. Do you speak a second language?
Sorta. I speak a little spanish, I know intermediate sign-language, and I'm learning biblical greek.

6. What type of food is your favorite? (i.e. American, Mexican, Indian, Chinese, etc.)
Um...probably chinese, Italian, and American (What constitutes American food anyway?)

7. Have you ever eaten sushi?
NOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Who want's to eat raw fish???

8. If you had to live in a foreign country for five years, which country would you pick and why?

Ireland or Scotland. My Great Great Grandpa came directly from Ireland, and my family's roots are pretty close to Scotland also. I love the Green Country.

9. Can you either "speak" sign language or read Braille?
I know quiet a bit of sign-language.

10. Describe your pets:
Ellie-Border Collie
Fancy-Hot tot rabbit
Chickens-don't ask
Guineas- UGLY
Launcelot-Fluffy cat


1. What is your favorite book? Don't say the Bible- that's a given! Something else, either fiction or non.

Ohhhh, tough one. I like anything by Ken Ham, G.A. Henty, C.H. Spurgeon. I like the Bronze Bow, Douglas Bond books... and so many more...

2. Comedy or Adventure?

A little of both actually. :)

3. What is the farthest you've ever traveled from home?
Cape Cod Mass. We drove the WHOLE way...

4. What is your favorite song, and from which author is it?
Wow. That's a doozy. I like a LOT of songs, currently, I'm into 40's music, so probably Singin' in the Rain (Gene Kelly) and Blue Skies (Ella Fitzgerald)

5. What color is your room painted?
Uh...well...hmm... It was blue, then yellow, now it's half yellow, and half...uh...Barn red...:):)

6. What place, for you, in the world has the best memories?
Tennessee and Williamsburg Virgina.

7. What is your favorite baby name?
Girl- Elsie Grace
Boy- Joel Andrew

I also like Clara, May, Henry, Allister, Molly, Jenny and Angus. (Yes, much to my Mother's grief)

8. Do you play pranks? If so, what is the best one you've ever made up?
I don't play pranks very often, if ever. :)

9. What is your favorite beverage? Water and red grape juice

10. What, to your mind, is the perfect vacation?

Williamsburg Virginia, and Eastern Europe. I also like the Smoky Mountains.

I tag whoever with this one! Let me know if you decide to do it!


Monday, August 16, 2010

Just A Few Random Pictures...and a Funny Story

Okay, I know it's been a while since I posted. Life has been VERY busy 'round here. I L-O-V-E summer, but, this summer has been just plain HOT! I'm talkin' it hasn't been out of the 90's for weeks. We were discussing the heat at church last night, and everyone is praying for at least 80-85 degree weather, just for relief. 'They' say there'll be a warm fall, I hope to goodness (whoever 'they' are) are wrong. We had a little rain yesterday, but you couldn't tell when it got finished that it had rained at all.
I still haven't been able to load up the pics from Savannah, but I hope to work on it soon. In the mean time, here are a few from this summer:

We dubbed this one, "The Atomic Cloud"

Ellie ADORES her volley ball...

Hey Launcelot! Don't fall on my head please!!

Shuckin' the corn...and for those of you who might think, "Ewwwww! You ate corn your dog chewed on?" No, we threw her piece out. The corn was so infested with worms, that we ended throwing out a large part of it. What a shame...

" I will cause the shower to come down; there shall be showers of blessing."
Ezekiel 34:26

Oh, before I forget. Two nights ago, we were getting ready for bed, when all of the sudden, I start to hear music. Real soft, tinkling like music. Almost like a snow-globe. I walked all over the house. Everyone was in bed, but I heard that music, it so quiet, I couldn't make out a distinct tune, but I knew I heard it. I checked our radio. Nothing. I checked the computer. Nothing. I even checked my fiddle, (a while back, the strings on the fiddle where popping and plinking. Making tuneless music. I woke up in the middle of the night scared to death. Turns out, they where just de-tuning because it was hot in the house.) Nothing. It was starting to drive me CRAZY! All I could hear was that music, and I didn't know where it was coming from. So I wake Daddy up and he starts looking for it. Grace gets up and starts looking. Then, we stop in the hall way, listening. Right above our heads is the attic trap-door. At the same time, Daddy and I both point up. It was coming from the attic! So I helter-skelter up the ladder and find a Christmas tree ornament the plays, "It Came Upon a Midnight Clear" The batteries where messed up, and it wouldn't stop it's tune. Daddy put the batteries in backwards, and we went to sleep.

I'm glad we found where it was coming from. (And that I wasn't going crazy!)

Blessings in Him,

Monday, July 19, 2010

I Found this Recently...

*A Southern Girl*

"A southern girl is a girl who knows full well that she can open a door for herself but prefers for the gentleman to do it because it demonstrates a sense of respect. After all, every girl wants to be treated like a princess. We know how to make sweet tea and grits. We pick our battles and fight with the heart of a pitbull while still maintaining grace and elegance. Our mystique is that of the soft-spoken, mild- mannered southern belle who could direct an army, loves her mama and will always be a daddy's girl."

What southerners know about:
1. The difference between a hissie fit and a conniption fit.
2. What general direction, 'cattywumpus' is.
3. That "gimme sugar" don't mean pass the sugar.
4. When somebody's "fixin" to do somethin', it won't be long.
5. A good dog is worth its weight in gold.
6. Real gravy don't come from the store.
7.The War of Northern Aggression was over state rights, not slavery.
8.When "by and by" is.
9.The difference between "pert' near" and "a right far piece."
10.The differences between a redneck, a good ol' boy, & trailer trash.
11.Never to go snipe hunting twice. (yep)
12.A belt serves a greater purpose than holding Daddy's pants up.
13.Rocking chairs and swings are guaranteed stress relievers.
14.Rocking chairs and swings with an old person in them are history lesson

I think I'll add my own:
15. The best way to go fishin' is with a four-wheeler and a bag of dog food. (don't ask, it's another story)
16. You know that catfish from the 'uther night' is just as good for breakfast.
17. The best form of entertainment for 10 girl cousins is NOT Hannah Montana, it's standin' in Grandma's creek with plastic cups catchin' crawdaddys :)
18. You know proper "Anglish" You don't say Nashville, you say, "Nashvulle"
19. "Cotton don't grow on no sheep." :)
20. What the heck is sunscreen?

"When life hands you a lemon put it in a glass of sweet tea and thank God you're a SOUTHERN GIRL!!"

I can relate to ALL of these. :) If you get a chance, visit the blog that I got this from:



Friday, July 2, 2010

My First Sorta-Summer Job...

I'm sixteen and I have never had a summer job, well if you consider canning, babysitting sisters, training puppies, pulling weeds, mowing the lawn, doing laundry,ect... a job, then, yes I have had a summer job. :)

But not like the one I'm about to do this evening.

I'm going to give piano lessons to a little 5 year old girl that goes to our church!!
It's exciting, and I think it will be a learning experience on both our parts. :)
I'll learn to teach, and she'll, hopefully, learn piano. 5:00 pm is THE time.
Have any of you ever given music lessons before? I'd love to hear your experiences!

Another update: We picked blueberries for 2 1/2 hours this morning, at a place we've been going to for blueberries for about 4-5 years. We flash freeze 'em and then bag 'em to put in the freezer. I forgot my camera, so there's no photographic evidence. :) But I'll be sure and post our, To Die For Blueberry Muffin recipe soon.

That's all for now,

" I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." Philippians 4:13

Monday, June 21, 2010

Dear Princess,

I've decided to start an interesting study to go along with a book.
This book is VERY convicting, inspiring, godly, and a breath of fresh air to a girl's heart. It's called, "Dear Princess". The book is written in letter form to the author's daughters. I believe my Momma picked it up at an Amish or Mennonite store a while back. Rod and Staff is the publishing company. The author is a lady named, Mary M. Landis.

The book is dedicated to:

"The King's daughters everywhere
and to Hope and Louis
in particular."
I'll post more later!

Blessings in Him,

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Our Wonderful Vacation...In Pictures!

We went to Tybee Island, Georgia for a week and LOVED it!! I took about 136 pictures total. So, instead of actually writing down EVERYTHING we did, I'll do it in picture form, and put a few captions under certain picture to explain. :) By the way, the beach was a SUCCESS!


More Driving...

Can you tell we're tired of riding yet?
(10 hours there, + stopping every 2 hours = approx. 12 hours)

Oh, this was our wonderful rest stop in Dalton, Georgia. It depicts 3 of the great Civil War generals of the South. Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, and Jefferson Davis. This carving is the world's largest stone relief work. It dwarfs Mount Rushmore. It's the length of 3 football fields end to end!!

We took a cable car to the top of the huge stone it's carved on and...

...got this incredible view.

We were WAY up in the clouds! At first, I did NOT want to take a cable car, filled with close to 30 people, to the top of a ginormous rock. But, with a lot of encouragement, I managed to get up there, and back down. :) (barely)

More Driving...and riding...

Yahoo! We're in Tybee! Can you tell Ava is excited?

It was a BEAUTIFUL beach!! But, I'm sorry to say, I didn't get any pictures of our Condo, The Sandpiper, that we stayed in. It was a wonderful house. It had three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living room, a laundry area, a HUGE kitchen, and a little hallway area when you came in. All in all, a nice roomy place for 7 people to stay.

Now, for those of you who are wondering, these 'towers' were FUN to make! If you dug a deep enough hole in the sand, deep enough to were the sand is watery enough to slip through your fingers, you cand start piling it in piles, and molding these cool sculptures. Daddy came up with it, and we actually drew a little crowd for a while. Grace had brought her knights and horses and catapults. So we had fun seiging each others castles. (For those of you who have seen the Lord of the Rings, Daddy built an AWESOME Helm's Deep and I made Minis Tirith. I'll try to find some pictures of our replicas!)

...We spent most of the time at the beach...AHHHH....

Well, I'll post our trip to Savannah later. There was a lot of historical buildings and shops there. Also, there's a funny story I'll tell that our carriage driver told us...(we took a carriage tour of Savannah. It was really fun!)
